Elite Safety Standards

Safety + Quality + Craftsmanship

With 100+ years of combined experience for some of the largest and most well-known companies in the world, we have developed ELITE Safety Standards, our tried and true, proven process and approach to refractory services. Safety is inherent in everything we do.

  • Compliant with Avetta, ISNet, and other safety performance systems
  • We are committed to having a safe, smooth outage to get you back up and running as quickly and safely as possible

Safety is a core value at ELITE. It is embedded in everything we do and is considered in every decision we make. We strive for a zero-injury workplace by reinforcing safe work behaviors and looking out for each other.

Safety + Quality + Excellence are ELITE Standards

ELITE Safety Standards start and end with dedication—a dedication to technical excellence, precision, craftsmanship, attention to detail and a continuous focus on safety.

That’s what makes us ELITE.

Safety, downtime hours, and quality all matter. Not compromising one for the others is the key to success. 

We help with every phase of the turnaround process—from planning, material selection, scheduling and execution—coordinating with other service providers to ensure the best overall turnaround results in the safest manner possible. Our ultimate goal in any project is zero accidents.